Mighty Dips!
Remember that day when maybe you weren't old enough, or tall enough, or whatever enough to ride the carnival ride? But you saw that ride and its mightiness, and you knew someday you would be back for the trip.
In honour of good things coming in small packages, introducing the Mighty Dip!
Each Mighty Dip starts with a layer of hot fudge or white chocolate ganache at the base of a waffle cone (baked by Donsig Cones, our nut-free friends, in Waterloo, ON). Then it's a select Merry Dairy flavour of ice cream packed throughout the cone, mightily topped with a scoop at the top. Then it's the Dip itself - perhaps it's chocolate, or white chocolate, or another Dip flavour. Mighty Dips will come and go, and each new day may bring a new Mighty Dip Trip.
So whether or not you took that carnival ride, take a Mighty Dip Trip and make your distanced, isolated day a little mightier, and a little merrier.
For pick up or delivery :)
Serves one and only one :-p
Contains: Gluten, Wheat, Soy Lecithin