Sports Are Great! Children's Book
Sports Are Great! Children's Book
Written by Brandon Ferguson and Illustrated by Jillian Lim
A rhyming, illustrated board book for young kids with a positive message: no matter where, when, or what's played, sports are great.
$11.99 each + GST
Sports Are Great! was both written and illustrated in Ottawa, Canada.
Visit www.sportsaregreat.com for more information.
Brandon, a debut self-published children's book author, resides in Hintonburg and is passionate about crafting lively rhymes. His book, 'Sports Are Great!', is dedicated to his daughter. His goal is to inspire young children by promoting an active lifestyle and challenging gender stereotypes through the portrayal of girls in sports.
Jillian is an Ottawa artist who loves books! But only the ones with happy endings. When she’s not cozying up on the couch with a book, she’s cuddling with her puppy (but really, she’s usually reading and cuddling at the same time). Fun fact about “Sports Are Great!”: a couple of the animals in the book are loosely inspired by two of her pets. Can you guess which ones?